Buying a product VS stock of that maker company

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Manual Stock Calculator

Simple. Reliable. Start calculating potential ROI and total value for your chosen stocks

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Inline Stock Analysis

Your pocket financial analyst. Stock name, investment day, investment amount - three inputs leading to a better understanding of your potential earnings.

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Date Interval Stock Analysis

Define your timelines. Select start and end dates for your stock investments. Let IFvestments present you with a glimpse of your growth trajectory.

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How to decide when to buy stock vs products of the same company?

Finding absolute best time is almost impossible, but it's way more likely to find times buying a stock vs actual product can...

Amazing results over time

Getting "the dream" product of your choice is tempting, but what happens if you suspend for some time? Can you get to a point buying 12 of them?


What if I bought THY stock instead of a Business Class ticket from IST to NY?